You are hired for 3 days as a temporary worker for Zakoolie's, they are paying you for each object you can disassemble in a day. The base game uses a seeded run for the random object generation so each competing player has the same set of objects to go through. Good luck scavenging mutli-hydrogen energy cores from cybernetic hover boards, hyper threaded jump ship CPUs, sentient AI refrigerator memory chips, Wyber Crystals from lazer hedge trimmers, Advanced Ceramics plasma resistant gears from Lign's Solar powered satellite and more!


Darius Fang - SFX and Programming (First Godot Project)

Krilley - Art

Alex - Art

Wesley Sweazey - Backend and Programming

External Assets:

Denys_Brodovskyi - Ethereal Vistas

Softwares Used:



Godot 4.3

Clip Studio Paint

Known Issues:

Restart button in pause menu - try refreshing page instead.

MainMenu button in pause menu then returning to game bricks it -  try refreshing page instead.

Sometimes when you start a day the item disappears - for reason unknown.

ScoreBoard update might not work as intended.

Funky visual bug with core wiggling arrow.

Music does not loop

Updated 1 day ago
Published 2 days ago
PlatformsHTML5, H0-wlr, Krilley, Darius Fang
Tags2D, High Score, Mouse only

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